Just Dirt?

It seems so simple when you are digging. The soil should hold up your house, the building, or at least the deck. But is dirt just dirt? and why is it important? The ability of the soil to hold up the house or building is critical. It is soft, like clay or silt? Then you […]

Window basics

I love windows. Architects have called them the erogenous zone of walls.  They are critically important design elements and an important part of construction.  While they enable one to look out they also allow the passage of light, air and noise into and out of buildings.  They must be carefully considered where they are located […]

These are not just walls, they are utility envelopes

Ok, I am an architect, not an engineer-so bear with me. I still get asked questions about what powers, ventilates, cools , warms, flushes, drains, ones home or building. So, what follows relates to practical explanations, and client brain-dump.  I go simple and pass on some rules of thumb, related observations and pointers: Power: you’re basic […]