
Since nobody comes equipped with a user manual, how do we get the best out of our working relationship? https://seconarchitect.com/i-wish-i-knew-that-before-the-project-began/ Since many owners have not been through the construction project experience before, it is wise for Newbies to speak to others who have. Get their vibe, research and speak to other players in the project: […]

Should you use Penalties and Bonuses in Construction Contracts?

Agreements In most cases penalties and bonuses should be used in commercial construction agreements…Residential construction agreements in many cases…and here is why One of the most important elements of construction agreements revolve around the construction schedule- specifically when the work will be complete. The reason deadlines in construction are so critical, is that  lateness often […]

Tips for getting the best out of your General Contractor

It can get ugly fast, so here aew Tips for getting the best out of your General Contractor because construction projects assemble all the most sensitive factors in one scenario: 1. The stress of a construction schedule and mandate to get things done quickly (without sacrificing quality). 2. The likely inconvenience of being displaced, or not working […]