Do you need a bigger home?

Maybe.  But often the answer is no.


With 2600 sf cited as the average new house size, chances are a few tweaks means you may not need to move or do an addition.

So my advice to many clients is to use what you already have more efficiently.  So, how do you do that?

One of two proven strategies is using your basements and attics for certain activities….and understanding why these activities lend themselves to certain spaces.\"images\"

Basements and attics make ideal spaces for:

  • offices- because many work from home in short bursts and need to focus without the distractions of the other family members , TV,  pets.
  • excercise rooms- often these areas are wide open providing room for the equipment and clearances.
  • entertainment / media rooms- frequently basements are darker- which is optimal for viewing most TV and Video without bother the others.
  • Bedrooms- while many bedrooms conventionally are situated upstairs, the primary activity in most bedrooms centers around rest and sleep, which darker, quieter areas such as ttic s and basements provide.

There are a number of building code regulations that pertain to attics and basements that you should be aware of:

2 means of egress are required for habitable spaces

Adequate ceiling height, usually 7\’

Satisfactory ventilation,  4% of the floor area

Other life safety requirements  (too lengthy to cover here.)

If you\’d like to discusss the 2nd proven strategy,   Call Steve 914 980 5532.


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