The basic strategy I use in the interview process is intro, small talk to get them talking, gently pepper in a few tough questions, ask follow up questions, conclude with a few easy ones. Remember that this is not an interrogation, so just use a few of these-
It’s an interview for the project and also for personality “fit”. You’ll want to chose somebody that you feel you can work with….Which is why references from trusted people you know go so far.. The logic that the reference source knows you both can be helpful in connecting parties is valid.
Learn how to listen as things speak for themselves.- Matsuo Basho
Also key is to listen carefully…. What did the pause mean before they answered? Was there body language that was not aligned with their answer? Did they answer with confidence?
Common contractor interview questions, :
- From your standpoint, What makes for a good client-owner?
- How long have you been in business under this name? Any other names or dba’s?
- How many subs have you had relationships with over 5 years?
- As a percentage , how many projects, taking aside owner changes, have you not finished on time?
- What delays drive you crazy?
- What is your relationship with the building department that you are in working in?
- Do you always prepare written change orders before proceeding with additional work?
- When can we expect a written project schedule?
- What are the best ways we can help you to have a successful project outcome?
- How many liens have you filed ?
- Have you been involved with any law suits? If so please explain.
- What would be the one thing that we can expect your references to say that you do well? and the one thing that they will say needs improvement?
- How often do you anticipate having a job meeting?
- Do you have a relationship with this architect and engineer? How long?
- What is your process for generating RFI’s? (requests for information)
- How much insurance do you carry? (this may get the eyebrows to arch)
- Are all your subs insured? How long have you worked with the primary one?
- Is there anything you can to tell us that you think would hinder you from being selected?
- How many other projects do you have ongoing?
- Roughly how many similar projects have you done in this town?
Let’s talk about your situation, call 914 674 2950 ask to speak to Steve.