Killer shortcuts and hacks to a great affordable kitchen remodel

Some cost saving thoughts:

If you like modern style kitchens, and are ok with decent, not great, quality cabinets and  – consider Ikea. You can get a small-medium kitchen installed for 15-20k. That\’s a great price.|ps|branded|EST_BR_Kitchen_Core|go|ikea_kitchensof co

Consider joining Direct Buy , a subscription based purchasing club for ordering your own cabinets and appliances on line -if you are competent with a tape measure and grid paper to draw a plan to a legible scale…or of course, you can call us 914 980 5532

If you want lightly used cabinets consider Habitat for Humanity store for salvage, and keep it out of the landfill:

Consider more surface mounted lighting, if your ceiling height is sufficient, since the diffusion of thelight from the  fixture means better brightness and you\’ll need fewer fixtures.

How about a nice tile floor? These type of porcelain tile simulate wood , look great and are inexpensive.


Don\’t toss your old cabinets, donate them a get the tax write-off…


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