Listen to this…

  1. Listen to this, because not everyone sees what is at hand, so it\’s important to take other senses into consideration
  2. Maybe because my mother was blind, and acoustics play a larger role for a blind person\’s understanding, I try hard to make sure my projects are comfortable to hear in.  Acoustics strongly affect ones comfort in and around a space.  Background noise and reverberation are among many factors that can wreak havoc with ones ability to concentrate, sleep or perform work.


  1. Noise volume is primarily measured in decibels; with whispers in a library around 30 db, normal conversation around 60 db, truck traffic around 90 db and a loud rock concert around 115.  It should be noted that an increase of 10 db is actually a doubling of volume.  But pitch is also a factor which can drive folks to the edge.
  2. Depending on the issue at hand, some simple remedies may include:

♦installation of  acoustical insulation in or on a wall or ceiling
♦carpeting a floor or replacing windows with double of triple paned units,
♦acoustical ceiling treatments like fabric wrapped panels
♦installing springs mounted or rubber mounted pads for mechanical equipment
♦yes- additional doors!
♦other tactics include supplemental \”white noise\” which sometimes may work to conceal the offending noise with its own hmmm,  drone or even raindrops.


Outdoors situation get dicey quickly with offending mechanical equipment or nearby playgrounds, horn honking and so forth. Many municipalities have volume level maximums  to reign in the chronically noisy.  A typical suburban town may have a maximum threshold for outdoor mechanical equipment of 65 db. Special acoustical blankets are available to line surrounding equipment enclosures or fences that can reduce the db level by 15db.

If you or someone you know has this type of problem or need advice, please call us at 914 674 2950.

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