wind blowing through a dandelion

Wind and air movement

Updating this blogpost in Nov 23, what can we glean from the Pandemic that was positive and useful? Hmm, better tech platforms like Zoom and more viable work-from-home strategies. How about paying better attention to air movement, vaccines, and so forth? The bigger issues like Wet-markets, Pathology labs, airline travel are beyond me. Not sure if enough time has passed to feel like we’ve shaken off the PTSD and examine the aftermath.

You have been subjected to months worth of social distancing, hand washing, masking and related hygiene precautions. But you should also be reminded that since the virus is primarily spread as airborne particles there are simple environmental features you can control to minimize its potential harm . While the scientists are still determining what level of “minimum effective dose” and “viral loading criteria” that actually bring on the virus’s consequences to humans, and of course factors of age, genetics and exposure duration; listed below are certain easily achievable means to help keep your indoor air quality more virus resistant:

open window

feel the breeze?

• Open the windows and doors to increase outdoor air ventilation- this increases the airflow and helps lessen the concentration of particles in the room. Use negative pressure (such as window exhaust fans) that suck the air out of persons rooms who are sick. Even bathroom fans with the door ajar can help.

desk with protective shield
It can be simple, and hopefully, temporary

•Screens and partitions help, simple shower curtains, plexi-glass shields and related barriers help block the virus particles from one person to another.

Mechanical engineers and experts have cited a useful mini-manifesto here
• Disable demand-controlled ventilation (DCV).
• Further open minimum outdoor air dampers, as high as 100%, thus eliminating recirculation (in the mild
weather season, this need not affect thermal comfort or
humidity, but clearly becomes more difficult in extreme
• Improve central10 air filtration to the MERV-1311
or the highest compatible with the filter rack, and seal
edges of the filter12 to limit bypass.
• Keep systems running longer hours, if possible 24/7,
to enhance the two actions above.
• Consider portable room air cleaners with HEPA filters, like masks for your mechanical equipment.
• Consider UVGI (ultraviolet germicidal irradiation),
protecting occupants from radiation,13 particularly in
high-risk spaces such as waiting rooms, prisons and

Hepa filter

Hepa Filters help

With some discipline, prudence and common sense we’ll get through this pandemic and be better prepared for future threats. But nothing is as effective as common sense, social distancing and a mask. So please- use it.

Article by Steven Secon