Dumpsters, Google Earth, the UPS guy, say what?

What do these have in common?  Construction debris is a tell-tale sign of building or demolition, and easy to spot. They see everything that’s going on, including construction….do you know a chatty driver? Aerial views-some building departments have employed interns during summers to look online via Google Earth, for differences between what’s on file vs […]

Ok, what’s the vig?

Like we stepped out of a dark Ray Donovan episode, one of my customers asked “Ok, What’s the vig?” after our project was conditionally approved at a recent municipal board meeting.  His innuendo carried a sharp cynical tone, and he was right.  The “vig” is an old Yiddish term “viggorish” for  what we’ll politely call a “surcharge”. The town […]

What’s up with all the scaffolding in NYC?

About 32 years ago, laws went into effect requiring facade inspections for buildings taller than 6 stories in NYC.  In general terms, an architect or engineer must inspect the building facades every 5 years to confirm that the conditions do not pose a threat to public safety….. Sooo, when the facade repairs are being undertaken […]